
What's the story (Morning Glory?) - Instinct Marketing

Written by Instinct Marketing + PR | Feb 4, 2020 10:30:27 PM

What’s the story (Morning Glory?) No this isn’t a post about Oasis however it might be worth mentioning … (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? completely changed the band’s trajectory: The album, at the time, became the third-best-selling LP in England’s history, topped only by the Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and Queen’s Greatest Hits, and made the Gallagher brothers paparazzi-level famous.

1st to 8th February marks National Storytelling Week.

One of the most ancient art forms, storytelling continues to this day as a vibrant part of culture throughout the world. It connects tellers and listeners, often in magical ways, sharing experiences, journeys and ideas across both real and mystical worlds.

A story is a means of transferring information, experience, attitude or point of view in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something just by the fact that they heard it.

Every story has a teller and a listener. Today, storytelling spans far beyond folklore and fiction and in business can be one of the most powerful communication tools to connect with its listeners.

What stories is your business telling and are you captivating your listeners?