
Why cold calls leave us cold - and a few things to try instead - Instinct Marketing

Written by Instinct Marketing + PR | Oct 13, 2022 9:12:55 AM

Picture the scene – it’s 6pm on a Thursday, I’m cooking dinner amidst the usual domestic chaos that is week-day teatime in a family of five. One child is trying to read me something from the latest book he has home from school, another is asking if I’ve seen his shin guards anywhere ahead of his football practice “IN HALF AN HOUR!!”, the third is exceeding the agreed amount of screen time in his bedroom. My phone rings. Like a fool, I answer it.  

A tired and slightly bored-sounding man at the other end introduces himself and after some incoherent rambling, explains he’s calling from a beer company we once bought from several years ago, on the ‘off-chance’ that we might be interested in making the most of a discount campaign they’re running to celebrate the company’s forthcoming birthday. I am at once irritated and baffled. Does anyone still say yes to this stuff?  

Suffice to say the call prompted not a beer purchase, but a mental list of all that is wrong with making cold calls in the 21st century. Outdated, annoying, intrusive, statistically proven to be unsustainable, damaging to a company’s reputation… the list goes on.  It got me thinking about what the misguided beverage seller could be doing instead though… 

  • Cold emails 

Cold emails are far more effective than cold calls, especially if you personalise them and spend time selecting the recipients. To pique readers’ interest, include a punchy or surprising subject line, and make your email about them rather than what you’re offering. Be clear but brief, concisely highlighting how your product or service helps to solve a problem. Some great examples of good and bad cold emails here. (The Best Cold Email I’ve Ever Received (and… | Proposify [Free Trial]) 

  • Monitor your web visitors’ behaviour 

By tracking when users are looking at certain pieces of content on your website, you can decide on the best time to reach out to them. Using tools like Google Analytics (insert link Create and manage custom alerts – Analytics Help ( you can receive mail notifications when people are browsing your site, then when you do reach out you know you’re contacting a warm lead who has already demonstrated an interest in your offering. 

  • Networking – virtual and IRL 

Virtual and in-person events are an excellent way of finding out about the needs of your customers and prospects. Rather than pitching your offering, use events as an opportunity to ask questions and engage with people’s answers – the more you ask, the better you’ll understand your target market. 

  • Online networking 

If social media was an effective tool for building relationships with prospective clients before the pandemic, in a post-pandemic world it’s essential. People browsing your content may leave questions and comments, giving you an opportunity to interact with potential leads. Crafting considered, insightful responses will show that you care, and help to position your business as a valuable resource or an authority in a particular field. But retain a focus on authenticity – if visitors share or comment on your content, avoid instantly offering a demo or free trial – let the relationship evolve naturally. You could also join industry groups on LinkedIn and Facebook and engage with prospects by liking, commenting on and sharing their posts, gradually building authority and earning trust in your field. More on how to become an online networking guru here: 10 Guaranteed Tips to Become an Online Networking Pro 

  • Online content 

Be active on forums related to your product or service. Platforms such as Quora and Reddit are a useful space in which to build awareness, authority, and trust. Browse different threads and identify places where you could share your expertise and answer others’ questions. Rather than pitching or selling, aim to be genuinely helpful, and only reference your product or service if it’s directly relevant. This will ensure your name is front-of-mind when they’re next looking for your kind of help. 

  • Word of mouth 

We all love a good recommendation. Word-of-mouth referrals act as powerful social proof that your product or service is a safe bet and reassures customers, they’re onto a good thing. Ask satisfied customers to leave you a positive testimonial – and be sure to share them online – or refer you to others who might benefit from your solution.  

  • Webinars 

Sharing your expertise via webinars is another way to reach potential customers. Collaborating with others in your industry and holding sessions with helpful and actionable content will help prospects see your business as an industry authority as well as a helpful source of information. They may then research your offering and consider purchasing it. 


Using carefully considered marketing and communications strategies, Instinct will help you communicate with your existing and potential customers to grow your business. From brand awareness, media relations and email marketing to copywriting and social content creation, our experienced team can provide the support you need. And not a cold call in sight. Get in touch to find out how we can help.